首页 > 玄幻小说 > 死在火星上结局没看懂 > 对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释

对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释(第5/9 页)

最新玄幻小说小说: 重修魔道重生之碧荷修罗场BL王朝1教授(BDSM)狂烈而不可预测开局农奴,我被召唤为英灵?从零开始创建最强家族我用平底锅砸翻玄幻江湖世界我在大唐猎妖军当伙夫量子隧穿最后一个禁术传人睡棺材就能修炼,我当宗主羡慕啥从山寨开始的武圣之路华夏:上下五千年仙凡两界传开局,鸿蒙圣朝少帝交好主角真香,有机缘他真给!至尊仙皇玄幻:创造长生家族山海洪荒:我带巫族再次崛起神战丹帝

nar orbital nfigurations shownfigs 2 and 3, orbital ls arteach nurical tegration, which spans severa lid les denotg the present orbitsthe pls lie alst with the swarnbsp;of dots eventhe fal parttegrationnd d this eriod the alst regur variationspry orbital tion re nearly theas they arepresent

vertical viewthe four ner pry orbits fronbsp;thxis artsth axes units are au thepnesetthe variant pner systenbsp;total angur ntua the itial part9 yrb the fal part84988610 9 yrc the itial partn1 t 000547109 yrd the fal part ofn1t 3918010 ots are plotted withtervabout 2190over 547107 lid leseach panel denote the present orbitsthe four terrestrial pls taken fronbsp;de245

the variationentricities and orbital ctions for the ner four plsthe itial and fal partthe tegrationis showxpected, the characterthe variationpry orbital elents does not ercury, especially its entricity, seenbsp;to chana significanpartly becae the orbital tiscaletheis the shortestall the pls, which leadsara





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